Frequently Asked Questions

Is Fire Hydrant Maintenance Necessary?

Absolutely. In fact, it is actually legally required to get your Hydrants and fire safety equipment regularly inspected (at least every 12 months). Proper maintenance ensures that in an emergency, fire fighting experts have access to the resources needed.

How do I know when its time for a Hydrant Maintenance check?

Contact Precision at any time, and we will tell you if its time for a check-up. You can also ask us about the 3-year Hydrant Maintenance Program for peace-of-mind. This also includes a free paint job to keep your hydrants looking fresh and visible in case of emergencies!

What types of lines is Precision able to Hot-Tap?

Precision is able to Hot-Tap multiple pipe types including PVC, DI, HDPE, A/C, CI, Copper, Stainless, and steel. If you have any questions about your Hot Tapping needs, feel free to contact us for some assistance!

How far will Precision travel for servicing?

We are happy to service all of Western Canada, as we know your needs are urgent. Our clientele is growing rapidly, and we plan on expanding even further. For any questions or help, contact us and talk to one of our amazing representatives.